Sunday, May 29, 2011

Big Island of Hawaii Vacation - Day Five

Today was a day that felt like a real vacation day. No driving here and there...for the most part. Just lounging around. Enjoying ourselves. No sleeping in though because after another night on a soft mattress, I was almost glad to get out of bed. Of course Bill had been hollering for everyone to get up to look for sea turtles and to check out the snorkeling on the beach pretty, pretty early.

More cereal, bananas and pineapple for breakfast, and then we meandered down to the beach to see what it had to offer. Everyone loved the greater variety of fish to be seen here. Eels seemed to be the most fascinating from the remarks everyone made after returning to shore after snorkeling. And of course there were more sea turtles.

The sun struggled to come out for the most of the day but finally broke through after lunch when we headed out to visit the trendy shops in the resort area. Of course everyone had to purchase their souvenirs, including Hailey who had to replace both turtle magnets and 3-D stickers that she had used to create an awesome drawing with which was left attached to the refrigerator of the last rental house. A true bummer. Apparently there is a $25 fee plus the cost of packaging and mailing to forward forgotten items. We loved the iced Kona coffee at Kona Joe's Coffee Shop that required zero sugar to mellow it out. In fact I believe that none of us have had much sugar at all on this trip. A nice change of pace.

Another trip out the beach and pool area including a walk around the natural tide ponds and a great view of the beach that was split in two during the tsunami action that hit this side of the island after the Japanese earthquakes. Apparently this island is full of feral cats. They even have signs posted...for tourists information I suppose...that the water and food bowls that were placed here and there were to help support the needs of the feral cats. Other than we noticed that the mongoose that were everywhere appeared to be enjoying it just as much as the cats. Hawaii is just full of signs I guess. There were others warning no entry into the natural ponds around the beach. The fact that they indicated there were piranha in there should be enough to keep people out I guess.

We had vowed to spend the entire day on the resort but decided that a nice dinner out was in order. We headed up the northern coast line to a place recommended in our Hawaii, Big Island Revealed tour book simply called the Seafood Bar. But before getting there we wanted to check out two of the best beaches on the island perfectly timing them with the setting sun. No red-orange sunsets of the postcard variety but beautiful enough. The restaurant had a tiki atmosphere and served local seafood prepared in some incredibly tasty ways. Of course we don't have too many seafood lovers here, but I think everyone managed to enjoy their food.

Pretty much a full day to be sure other than yet another trip to the beach, this time enjoying the so-perfectly-comfortable night air complete with just the right amount of moonlight to visit the sleeping sea turtles. Bill and Hailey made great use of their flashlights to watch the puffer fish in the ponds and the lizards crossing the walkways. Then....time for bed. No more just hanging out tomorrow. Time for some more road trips.

Links to other posts in this series:

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight

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