Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Truly Not Enough Hours in the Day

I could just post this title and then sign off. Many of you would understand. It seems lately that I just can't even find the time to sign on lately. Homeschool has started along with charter school classes. It's high school varsity football season with its booster club responsibilities and playing injuries. There are an additional three to four hours of work I now do for the care of the ten horses next door at the training barn. It's truly a case of dropping into bed exhausted.

It seems that in order for me to take the time to get on here, I had to have a two-hour window while our son had a Lisfranc fracture surgery due to a football injury during the first game of the season and the luck of having wi-fi at the hospital.

So...I haven't forgotten my little blog here. I promise to be back as random as ever. I didn't think I would miss my time here as much as I have. Perhaps giving myself another week to help rehab my 16yo who will not be able to bear weight on his foot for six-plus weeks, and perhaps another week to see what's left in the garden to eat/take care of if the rains dissipate for the fall, and perhaps yet another week for whatever life throws at us, and then I'll be back to posting with gusto.

Until then, enjoy whatever free time you have to be online. You never know when life will throw you a few good curves.


  1. Wow, you have started out with a busy fall. I am running at a fast pace also and cannot even believe September is nearly over. Seeing all the Christmas stuff in stores is sending me into pure panic!!

  2. Hang in there! You've sure had a tough run of it!

  3. Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy outside the blogosphere - here's hoping you'll find the time to return in the new year!

  4. Thanks for all the great comments. Who knows what the first of the year will bring. Perhaps re-entry into blogging. I surely do hope so.

  5. Hope you are OK. No new posts and have not seen you on Twitter. Let us know you are fine and just busy...

  6. Hey Weekend Cowgirl...Still alive and kicking. Thank you for checking sweet. I just threw together a post believe it not. I'm trying to make a comeback! Downloading Tweet Deck shortly :)


I'd love to hear what you think, so leave me a message. Have a great day!