Friday, July 8, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - July 8, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

I have been filling my head with information on dyslexia and food allergies. Amazing how one simple discovery can dictate the route your life starts to take.

In our homeschool this week...

We have discovered which is a resource that assigns a numeric value for books in their system. It is more finely tuned than just giving a recommended grade level. I am using this to come up with reading material that is below H-Bob's current level so that we can work on her fluency.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share...

Dig in deep yourself and educate yourself on the options there are for your children's education. There is no cookie-cutter approach and each one is definitely wired differently. In doing so, you will learn more about yourself than you imagined.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing...

We have one more weekend of church convention activities that will pretty much fill up our weekend, but the following week looks wide and clear. Yeah!

My favorite thing this week was...

It's great to see the garden flourishing even though the temps are moderate. Even the tomatoes are beginning to look as if they're taken to their transplanting. The peppers, maybe not. But more warm weather has been promised. We also set up our pool. Now if the weather would cooperate.

What’s working/not working for us...

I'm considering our diet. If the thought of going sugar-free for even a week sends me into a panic, it is probably a good sign that I have a little sugar addiction I should address. Big thoughts going on here in that direction.

Questions/thoughts I have...

I asked for wisdom to figure our how to best address H-Bob's dyslexia. And the books and materials that keep falling in my path deal with diet. I'm pretty sure I should grab the bull by the horn and head that direction.

Things I’m working on...

The kids should be getting exhibits ready for our county fair which is held mid-August. After our busy two weeks with church activities, that is going to become a priority. What will I be working on? Well, probably just helping them stay on track.

I’m reading...

Well Brain Allergies turned out to be focused on food addictions, allergies, and nutritional deficiencies that affect the psychiatric health of the population. But the information was startling. What gets me is that with evidence which appears so strong in books such as these, why aren't more people seeking those avenues? Are we always skeptical? Do we not trust our own gut feelings because mainstream medicine does not follow suit? More food for thought.

I’m cooking...

The brisket I mentioned last week was beyond incredible. Even though it's not our usual elk or venison, I'm going to have to purchase one every few months. Such a treat! In the meantime, we've plenty of lettuce, greens, broccoli, onions, radishes and strawberries from the garden to fill our plates with.

I’m praying for..

I'm finding answers that relate to H-Bob's learning difficulties. Now I still just need to know which path to travel first.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Want to read what others are reflecting on? Head to The Homeschool Mother's Journal hosted by The Homeschool Chick.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I just discovered too, and I'm looking forward to using it for both my girls.

  2. So glad you stopped by! Great to find your blog & I plan to read more about your hobby farm!! My mom just moved to Oregon about 3 years ago, and we trekked up last year to see her and Oregon! What a beautiful place to live!! Enjoy your garden! Ours has gone by down here with our crazy hot temps and no rain!! I would take some of your temps if I could!
    Great to "meet" you here in the blog world!

  3. I have a 6-year-old son with Sensory Processing Disorder. There's some research (and more personal accounts) of following the Feingold diet works wonders for these kids (and others with conditions such as ADHD and Autism). I've been looking at making changes in our diets too - with less artificials/preservatives/dyes and more whole, simple foods. I'm going slowly though! I don't want a "revolt"! LOL

  4. I just finished reading Disconnected Kids which focuses on a brain imbalance between right and left hemispheres being responsible for all of the neurological disorders which have become so prevalent. The author's Brain Balance centers have had phenomenal results with going on a sugar, gluten, and dairy free diet along with a physical/sensory program designed to reconnect the hemispheres. His book has a home program component which we are going to begin tomorrow. So our diets are going to be changed radically.


I'd love to hear what you think, so leave me a message. Have a great day!