Friday, July 1, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - July 1, 2011

I love hearing from other mothers whose journeys are similar to mine. So I'm linking up with The Homeschool Mother's Journal on Fridays.

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

We have been attending a lot of activities put on by our church's annual convention which is held every July. Spare time has been limited. At the same time we've had kids with terrible colds, another with a head-to-toe rash, and I'm exhausted to say the least.

In our homeschool this week...

There has been enough happening here to deserve explanation and it's own blog post. We have been exploring ideas for H-Bob, our nine-year-old, from hyper temperament traits to dyslexia to right-brain learning to brain integration therapy. Very overwhelming right about now.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share...

I mentioned our on-going vision therapy for H-Bob last week and am thankful that it paved the way to realize that there may be more blocked learning pathways as well. I have read Overcoming Dyslexia, Raising Your Spirited Child, have coming from the library a ton of resources on right-brain learning, and have devoured the information on Dianne Craft's website. I'm not one to jump on any wagon just passing by, but this evidence is too great to ignore.

I am inspired by...

Those who have championed for their children and turned their lives around by exploring other options for them.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing...

Goat Princess and I will be working a 4H concession stand fundraiser at a goat show on Saturday, but I'm most looking forward to a day to work at home on the 4th. Hubby is taking two of the kids on a sturgeon fishing trip. I'd love to get my garden whipped into shape. They're predicting three days of sun in a row. We'll see.

My favorite thing this week was...

Finding the time to pick a flat of strawberries for the freezer. Now to get some stuff for freezer jam and to u-pick some more.

What’s working/not working for us...

In the big picture...apparently a lot. In the details...constantly adjusting.

Questions/thoughts I have...

I certainly am bogged down with the information I have picked up regarding H-Bob's potential learning issues. The material I have come across is so enlightening and explains so many things I have noticed. But in tackling those issues, I tend to want to look at just one area at a time and resolve it before going elsewhere, such as her vision therapy. But now seeing that she needs phonics intervention, which we will start once the materials arrive, I'm also wondering about starting Dianne Craft's Brain Integration Therapy and dietary changes she recommends. But that seems like a tremendous amount of change in H-Bob's life when change is difficult for her.

Things I’m working on...

I will be putting together a new summer learning schedule for H-Bob to include the reading intervention activities that we need to start.

I’m reading...

Once I make my trip to the library to pick up my books on hold, I will have soooo many to tackle in educating myself about right-brained learning.

I’m cooking...

I've been pondering smoking a beef brisket on the Traeger.

I’m praying for..

I prayed for wisdom to find answers, now I need wisdom to determine which learning areas in H-Bob's life to tackle first.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Our oldest has been baby sitting a seven-month-old pit pull puppy. Can't say that I'm terribly fond of them, but he sure is just a big goofball.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting :) To answer your question about my daughter's drama's part of our homeschool group. But she is going to be doing a summer "camp" with a local theater group the first two weeks of August where they will be putting on a "broadway" type show in two weeks, so that should be fun for her!

  2. Raising Your Spirited Child was so eye opening for me. Really helped me bring some sanity into our house with my boy child [who is now 15YO]. He has always hated change. Still does. Some times we allow him no changes; other times we sympathize and push him through the change.

  3. It can be overwheming figuring learning/life issues with your children! Hang in there! It'll be hard for a while, but eventually you'll see all the fruit of your research, love and prayers with H-Bob! I've been on a journey with my 6-year-old and his Sensory Processing Disorder (with auditory and visual processing concerns and fine motor details). My advice: Keep it simple! And understand just how wonderfully special they are! Thanks for stopping into my blog!

  4. Hi Connie, it is recommended to change one thing at a time so that you can see what is working and what isn't. There are many visual tracking exercises you can replicate at home...many OT's have specializations in vision therapy and sometimes a good one will see you, do an eval and just a few treatments to set up a home program taht you can carry out, which saves you money from having to do weekly ongoing therapy. I'm a speech-language pathologist so feel free to write me via email ( there is anything I can do for you. It is overwhelming with everything that is out there. Go slow, take your time, and stay positive. If you seem overwhelmed, your daughter will certainly pick up on that. Hang in there! I've been homeschooling two atypical learners and I feel your pain in trying to pick the best programs and materials! Stopping by from HMJ :-)

  5. i have a 2 year old with developmental delays who is receiving a number of therapies through easter seals so i totally can identify with all the information making you feel bogged down. the best thing you can do is either take notes while you read (i.e. distill it down) or use something like onenote if you're reading online so you can cut and paste it into a program to approach later.

  6. Thanks for the encouragement ladies. Our vision therapist just let me know that she continues to work with her patients after the 'physical' issues are corrected since work with the visual-brain processing avenues are necessary to get her where she needs to be. We only meet every other week with a ton of home exercises which helps financially.


I'd love to hear what you think, so leave me a message. Have a great day!