Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook - Entry for June 26, 2011

Now that I'm diving back into blogging again, I'm finding inspiration and meaning in participating in various memes. It has been exactly a year since I made an entry at The Simple Woman's Daybook. I went back and read it today. It was fascinating to see that some things never change...and yet other concerns or interests have moved on. As another fellow blogger put it...wish I had the link for you...she started blogging so that she could go back and remember. Yes, remember because time slips through our hands. Our children grow. Doors are closed. Prayers are answered. A new season begins.

Outside my window...the skies are clouding up again. The story of this year. But oh so thankful that the temps really are mild. Can't complain about low 70's.

I am thinking...that I am thankful for the meaningful people in my children's lives.

I am thankful...that we still seem to have an open door of communication with our teens.

From the learning rooms...I can see that H-Bob is grasping her reading. I need to keep up her enthusiasm through the summer. Vision therapy is paying off.

In the kitchen...there is not much going on this weekend. Simple foods. Greens from the garden. Strawberry popsicles.

I am comfy clothes that I religiously change into the minute I enter the house from being somewhere.

I am creating...nothing much unfortunately. My creative side is starving.

I am evening church services tonight. Our church holds an annual campmeeting during the summer. We'll be very occupied the next couple of weeks.

I am soon our goat kids will sell. We had kiddings late this year, and the kids are ready to be weaned. Sometimes it is nice if that happens at their new home. Gets the trauma over in one fell swoop.

I am reading...Raising Your Spirited Child. I knew we had four of these without a doubt. But this is sure helping me understand what we have gone through and continue to do so with our most spirited.

I am squeeze u-picking strawberries into the coming week.

I am looking forward to...wrapping up my homeschool plans for H-Bob. This is round four of fourth grade, but she learns so differently that we need to travel a different road.

I am hearing...the door slam downstairs. I'm guessing hubby and a couple of the kids plus a friend are returning from a walk down to the creek in our woods.

Around the house...things look cluttered. Some days I just want to walk around with a black garbage bag and pile it all in there. More storage has got to be the key.

I am to find time to relax to have more time to ponder. My brain tends to get cluttered with just the immediate things of life.

One of my favorite watching the garden grow, day by day.

A few plans for the rest of the week...more purging and organizing, freezing berries, eating from the garden, and perhaps trying to cook beef brisket on the Traeger grill.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...goofing off on Father's Day.

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