Friday, June 17, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - June 17, 2011

I love hearing from other mothers whose journeys are similar to mine. So I'm linking up with The Homeschool Mother's Journal on Fridays.

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

With such gray dismal weather, we were not too motivated to get much done this week as far as projects around the house. The lack of sun for the past nine months is getting to us. Not that it wasn't a busy week...Goat Princess had her CYT Bible study, a photo shoot, 4H goat club meeting, a day spent with a friend over, and a birthday party to attend tonight...Big Guy is having friends over for video games, ping pong and a bonfire tonight...Hubby has been out of town most of the perhaps I'm just tired!

In our homeschool this week...

Still plugging away on some unfinished math for Goat Princess and continuing phonics and reader work for H-Bob.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share...

I look back on my to-be-senior-in-high-school-next-year son and am excited to see his SAT writing score. This boy used to hardly write a single word. His SAT scores though are now above our school and state averages. Chalk one up for slow and steady homeschooling.

I am inspired by...

Big Guy inspires me by his eternal patience dealing with injuries preventing him from playing football, the love of his life. A slight concussion this week put him out of the running for the scrimmage today...which would have been his first opportunity to play since his Lisfranc fracture last fall.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing...

We're trying to decide what to do for Father's Day...a bike ride, a drive up the Gorge? Not sure yet. Weather plays a huge factor around here.

My favorite thing this week was...

We had a difficult time getting one of our new pullet hens out from under a building and then lost her after she flew out of their pen. Lo and behold, she showed back up three days later, none worse for the wear.

What’s working/not working for us...

Summer schedules are lax around here, but we need to do a better job in getting H-Bob to bed early.

Questions/thoughts I have...

I truly do wonder what Big Guy's senior year holds for him in the arena of football. This concussion is not the way to start off the season.

Things I’m working on...

The garden is getting planted little by little. I set out half of the pumpkins and tomatoes this week but am holding off on the peppers as long as I can. It was only 44 degrees this morning!

I’m reading...

I'm pretty faithful at reading the blogs that come through my feed reader, but I sure would like to start tackling the stuff I have home from the library.

I’m cooking...

I have a pork butt/shoulder that we will slow-cook on the Traeger tomorrow for Father's Day. Sure hoping it turns out.

I’m praying for..

I need inspiration in a lot of areas of my life right now.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

The strawberries around here are a full month late in ripening. We've had a few ripen at home this week. We're anxious for the u-pick fields to open next week so that we can restock the freezer. What's a smoothie without good Oregon berries.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. It is so neat I found your blog through the HMJ linky this week because i have been thinking about the northwest this niece just got married there (OR/WA area) this past Sunday! She had a great wedding surprise that I posted! You are probably used to seeing such green but we thought it was just so gorgeous!. The strawberries looked great. I look forward to spending more time on your blog and I am your newest follower! Katie

  2. Visiting from HMJ. Those strawberries look yummy!

  3. Yes, we so look forward to our local strawberries every year. They are nothing like the commercial varieties that are in the grocery stores. Thanks for stopping by!


I'd love to hear what you think, so leave me a message. Have a great day!