Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm linking up today with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom and Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather in my neck of the woods:

Cloudy and gray as it has been since last September. Very depressing.

Things that make me happy:

The occasional one-day-stand of sun we seem to be getting. Watching my garden grow.

Book I'm reading:

Working on a summer schedule that will factor in some time for me to actually take the time to read. Something I miss dearly.

What's on my TV today:

Must say I never take time for TV. Way too much to accomplish elsewhere.

On the menu for dinner:

I always keep frozen taco meat from our yearly supply of elk and venison on hand. Tonight's no-brainer dinner will be a taco salad.

On my To Do List:

Keep looking for the pullet hen that escaped yesterday. I can't imagine she'll survive long on her own. Tackle nine-year-old's bedroom with her.

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:

Nothing I can think of presently.

In the craft basket:

I did see a great tutorial for a prayer journal that could be used for most any type of journal that I would like to try...time permitting that is.

Looking forward to this week:

The weatherman's promise of some sun. Any stretch of sun longer than a day or two is something to celebrate this year.

Tips and Tricks:

So thankful for the laminator I purchased last fall. So useful for lists of repeating items.

My favorite blog post this week:

Haven't had too much time to go through my feed reader yet.

Blog Hopping:

Providence Farms

No words needed:

Lesson learned the past few days:

From my wandering pullet not be in such a hurry to leave the protection of the Father. His ways are perfect.

On my mind:

Reflecting on the fact that my second-born will be a senior in high school next year. His last year of football will be here before we know it. We're praying for a healthy season in which he can play his heart out.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

The parables Jesus told of shepherds and farmers hold so many parallels to life. It is only a matter of time if you dabble in hobby farming to be keenly aware of how they specifically point to key areas of our lives.

Enjoy your week!


  1. Taco salad! sounds yum!

    Have you heard of the way that you can make a tortilla into a bowl by placing on an empty can and baking it in the oven?

    Also, something my hubby picked up in Japan was Okinawan is basically tacos on rice.

    So here are the layers:

    Rice then taco meat, then your salad, then break and sprinkle corn chips on top and then finish it off with salsa & sour cream.

    It's kind of odd when you are not used to it, but the more you eat it, the more addictive it becomes! gotta love quick meals like that.

    Take care!

  2. Love the sound of the Okinawan tacos. Brown rice = better for you than the fried tortilla chips that we usually use very generously as our base. Thanks for sharing. We just might have a new favorite twist on it!


I'd love to hear what you think, so leave me a message. Have a great day!