Monday, June 21, 2010

Some of my Favorite Podcasts

Do you have an mp3 player? Perhaps an iPod or iPhone? Well I do now. I've worked up through my kids' hand-me downs until I now have an iPod Classic with a ton of space. Still haven't worked my way up to an iPod Touch, but I can still dream.

Anyway back to the post. Yes I love music, but my main reason for having an mp3 player is to listen to podcasts. Driving here and there. Stuck somewhere waiting for kids. Sometimes plugged into an external speaker while doing housework. It has become my link to the outside world and a little mommy culture.

I have all genres put on there, and now that the Classic has video capabilities, I am able to broaden my categories even more with those that support video podcasts. The pocasts that I subscribe to are exclusively through iTunes just because it is a one-stop spot to subscribe and synch. I'd love to go beyond their offerings and track down others but haven't figured out where to go yet. Until then here are a few of my favorites:

Best of YouTube
Brain Stuff
Cooks Illustrated
Dirty Jobs
The Dog Trainer's Quick and Dirty Tips
Earth Eats
Focus on the Family
Food Network
GardenFork TV
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips
Martha Stewart
Modern Manners Guy
One Minute How To
The Organized Woman Show
The Podchef's Gastrocast
Safari.TV Diary
Stuff from the Science Lab
Stuff Mom Never Told You
Stuff They Don't Want You to Know
Stuff You Should Know
Vegan A Go-Go
The Veggie Kitchen
Working Class Foodies

I would have loved to put links to all these but they are easily found by going to iTunes and searching their podcasts. I noticed that some do not update very frequently, and I'm pretty certain there are some listed there that haven't published in quite awhile. As I don't have a certain listening regimen but simply listen/watch as I have the time/interest, I honestly don't keep track of the dates.

What I'd love though is to here from you if you're an avid podcast listener and find some more subscriptions to join. I'm currently of the opinion that there cannot be too much on your iPod as long as you have the room. Whether watching a cooking show, learning something new on the One Minute How To, or being amazed at Stuff You Should Know, so far it's all been good. So go on...share some of your favorites by leaving me a comment. I'm still in the business of obtaining a little more mother culture.

1 comment:

  1. I love my iPhone and iPods! We are Apple freaks, and have purchased several models of each through the years. Have you heard the Spilled Milk podcasts? Matthew Amster-Burton and Molly Wizenberg (cookbook author and writer of Orangette) do this fun cooking themed podcast. Another one of my favorites is This American Life. I discovered recently that an entire episode lasts through a root canal.


I'd love to hear what you think, so leave me a message. Have a great day!