Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Pains of Growing Up

This is a hard post to write, but we have finally made the decision to move our miniature horse, Nick, along to a home where he can be used by another family. We purchased him as a three-year-old stud and stopped to have him gelded on the trailer ride home. We had known him since a colt and knew that as he was harness broke, so quick to learn, and flashy to boot with his pinto markings and blue eye that he would make a great equestrian and 4H prospect for our oldest daughter. She used him her first year in OHSET and then moved on to target gaming and cow events with her quarter horse.

What to do with Nick now that we had him and were in love with him? Our youngest at the time was five, so he became her "pony". She quickly learned to ride him lead line, be the one to catch him up in the field and bring him, do his grooming and bathing, and love all over him. As she became more confident and responsible of sorts, we turned the reins over to her. Nick was hers to ride all over the property. We turned our backs to only find her jumping him over obstacles, leading him through all sorts of mazes and trail obstacles she set up, or sneaking him into the house. They've made plenty of memories together.

But as you grow up, you also do so in size. She is now simply too large for him...feet can almost touch the ground...and it's time for him to be loved on and put to work by another family. She will have a full-sized horse to ride of her sister's, but you and I know it won't be the same. The casualness that her and Nick have built together will be gone. The new horse for her will be larger and stronger. There won't be as much freedom to 'just go get your pony'. But alas, that is life. We grow, we move on, we meet new challenges. Either way, it's a sad day for me and a sad day for her as well.

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I'd love to hear what you think, so leave me a message. Have a great day!