Monday, February 8, 2010

Beretta and Ruger - Our Mini Aussie Pups

Well our two little bundles of joy are here. Our six week old miniature Australian shepherd pups made the trip home late, late Friday night with my husband and two oldest girls. And of course, they're cuter in real life than in the photos we received.

Short story, it would appear that having the two of them is a bonus. They play together, they have each other to sleep with in their crate, and there's just plain more puppiness to spread around in our family of six. Trouble is that you just want to sit around and watch them...and of course get nothing else done.

So far, potty accidents are at a minimum considering their age. They have no trouble following or coming to us when called. Their appetites are not the best, but I'm sure that will turn around after settling in and getting over any reactions from their vaccines. It would be nice seeing them to start drinking more water as I do worry a little about them staying hydrated, but the mother had all but finally weaned them before they left as it was. So I guess things are on track.

With the oldest daughter fighting the stomach flu and the next oldest coming down with some type of chest congestion after fighting a cold for a week, a lot of the puppy care has ended with me. But I'm sure glad our capable little seven-year-old is good at getting them outside for potty breaks and keeping an eye on them in general. She's been known to sit outside their crate just waiting for them to wake back up.

Since puppyhood is so fleeting, my goal is for a minimum of a picture per week to chronicle their metamorphosis into adult dogs. It's going to be a long time before we have any more puppies, so I definitely want to take advantage of the digital age we live in and capture as much of this stage of their life as possible. Here's the link to their Flckr stream.

1 comment:

  1. I love the puppies! They are adorable and how nice there are two so they can love each other thru the years!


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