Thursday, January 1, 2009

Journal Entries


* Milked all goats as DD12 spending night at friend's house.
* Unloaded dishwasher.
* Tried again to feed dog. No appetite.
* Flipped drying farmhouse cheddar cheese.
* Unmolded chevre.
* Started laundry load.
* Sorted through library books brought home yesterday.
* Sorted paperwork that had accumulated on dining room table.
* Called in prescription refills.
* Imported CD audio track for DD7 Prince Caspian soundtrack so she can listen to on mp3 player.
* Fixed breakfast for DD7.
* Vacuumed downstairs.
* Checked menu planner for dinner.
* Did some routine cleaning: one each of kitchen cabinet, stove burner, doorway, vinyl floor section.
* Helped DD7 rollerblade.
* Updated gridiron website dates and filed some desk paperwork.
* Did another load of laundry.
* Took DD7 for ride in woods on mini horse.
* Started batch of goat cheese gouda.
* Wrote check and visited with hay delivery guy.
* Lunch of leftovers.
* Helped DS15 with summer reading assignment.
* Went to open door...only problem was doorbell was on TV. DD7 almost fell over laughing.
* Cooked beets from garden and marinated for cold salad.
* Started BBQ chicken on Traeger grill.
* Sorted through more of DD12 curriculum.
* Backed up DS15 iPod.
* Helped DD7 set up area in room for her dolls.
* Cooked lemon green beans for dinner and roasted broccoli. All from garden.
* Cleaned up kitchen after dinner. BBQ turkey drumettes especially good.
* Baked cookies with DD7 as dry run for county fair exhibit next week.
* Milked.
* Watched tattooing of goat kids by DD19, DD12 and goat friend.
* Did some more summer reading with DS15.
* Yet another sleepover on futon couch with DD7 to finish "Stripes" as still raining outside.


* Took DS15 to weightlifting up at high school.
* DD12 came in from sleeping in tent last night to find mosquitoes bites all over face and neck.
* Milked goats.
* Realized having a case of total brain fog today for some reason.
* Picked up DS15 from weightlifting.
* Made nachos for lunch.
* Switched out pool filter.
* Unmolded and salted chevre. Unmolded farmer cheese to air dry.
* Unloaded dishwasher.
* Check into Persoid meteor shower scheduled for tonight.
* Loaded dishwasher.
* Check online for library books due.
* Finished sorting through DD7 curriculum for next year.
* Put away suitcases from not-so-recent trip.
* Did art project with DD7 to take to county fair next week.
* Started sorting DD12 school curriculum.
* Talked to DS15 friend's mom regarding their trip to zoo today.
* Ran errands - feed store, Goodwill, tshirt printer, library - then took DD12 to friends house next town over.
* Milked everyone and fed everyone.
* Went to OC Pioneer Football Gridiron club meeting with DH. Took along DD7 as no one home to watch her.
* Discovered it really raining quite hard when we came out of meeting. No meteior showers tonight.
* Looked for dog outside. Found hiding under eaves under lilac bushes.
* Brought in mini horse who was still outside.
* Worked on cheese that had been started earlier in day.
* Ran dishwasher.
* Since too wet for tent, had "sleepover" with DD7 upstairs on futon couch while watching "Stripes".


* Woke up DS15 for football weightlifting.
* Got self ready to go coupon shopping at Albertson's after dropping DS off.
* Made morning latte and had zucchini muffins.
* Started load of laundry.
* Took DS15 then on to store. Paid net of $15 for about $60 worth of groceries. Score.
* Did another load of laundry.
* Milked my single goat.
* Attempted to wake up DD12 many times to go milk. Too many late nights at camp I fear.
* Made quick stint to catch up on Twitter.
* Picked up DS15 from weightlifting. Took friend home. Brought another friend home with us. Also picked up high school registration packet from school.
* Unloaded dishwasher.
* Put in yet another load of laundry.
* Helped DD7 set up paints outside for mural.
* Assisted DD12 with shaving her goats all day...holding heads, bringing grape leaves to eat.
* Made double batch of waffles for DS15 and friend to eat with peanut butter and syrup.
* Tried to feed dog again. She seems to be shutting down as is refusing any food.
* Used pint of whipping cream and tartaric acide in attempt to make marscapone cheese. Didn't coagulate. Did a little research on line but couldn't find answer as to why failed.
* Started batch of farmhouse cheddar with morning's milk. Worked on cheese process all day.
* Pulled out daily routine and started to follow it to get some basic daily cleaning done.
* Looked online for bruschetta recipe.
* Made bruschetta for my lunch. Fabulous with homegrown tomoatoes.
* Cleaned out all emails.
* Worked on cleaning up area in DD7 room where guinea pig had been living before we moved her to a different wall.
* Took friend of DS15 home.
* Almost feel asleep driving home.
* Decided to try to take cat nap. Didn't work.
* Started Spanish chicken and rice bake for dinner along with corn/zucchini for side.
* Baked off some puff pastry for blackberries turnovers for tonight.
* DH home; ate dinner.
* Harvested in garden: cuc's, zucchini, green beans, 1 tomato, beets, raspberries.
* DH and DD7 went out to pick wild blackberries along rode.
* Turned on garden sprinklers as way too dry.
* Watered pumpkins really good.
* Took DD7 riding on her mini horse.
* Milked the goat.
* Worked on hot tub and pool chemicals, added additives, rinsed filters, turned on pump.
* Add dessert. Very tasty. Blackberries are rich too!
* Drained chevre from yesterday...two plain and one with McCormick Smoky Pepper seasoning.
* Washed eggs.
* Picked up family room.
* Got DD7 settled into tent with DH and DD12 as DD7 plans on "camping" out this week.
* Noticing that dog will not come into house. Wondering if she'll make it through the night.


* Feed everyone for last time as DD12 due back home today.
* Fed dog more homemade dog food though noticed she didn't eat very well today.
* Baked up double batch of waffles for breakfast.
* Milked.
* Started batch of chevre.
* Keep working on DD7 homeschool curriculum. Basing more on Charlotte Mason style this year.
* Drove into town and picked up DD12 from church camp.
* Stopped by Hog Wild BBQ for sandwiches.
* Unloaded dishwasher.
* Helped DD12 set up area to start clipping her dairy goats for 4H county fair.
* Took DD19 to pick up her car from repair shop.
* Continued on to homeschool curriculum store to make some purchases.
* Got call from aunt that she had taken mom into ER due to worsening rash.
* Made quick clothes change and headed to ER in town.
* Waited all afternoon and most of eve in ER with mom, picked up her prescription, and got her dinner. Took her home and got her settled.
* Got call from home and they wanted ice cream. Stopped at store to pick up gallon. Of course out of vanilla in cheap brands and had to pay top dollar.
* Quickly picked vegetables in mostly darkness.
* Baked up batch of zucchini muffins.
* Took shower.
* Picked out clothes for church for DD7.
* Went over Sunday School lesson with DD7.
* Cleaned up kitchen as usual.
* Dropped into bed.


One of those wild days...couldn't begin to keep track of journal entries so didn't.


* DD12 still gone so still feeding all animals.
* Made more HM dog food. This time cooked green beans and garlic with ground antelope.
* Milked.
* Went to tshirts picked up for 4H goat club. Washed and dried.
* Goat yogurt read.
* Vinegar washed Romano. More mold.
* Started batch feta goat cheese.
* Unloaded dishwasher.
* Boiled more green beans for dog's dinner.
* Clipped coupons.
* Cleaned fish tank of DD7.
* Watered pumpkins, blueberries, and grapes.
* Started second load of laundry.
* Turned out horses.
* Made lunch.
* DD7 smashed finger moving log in goat yard. Dealt with perceived trauma.
* Finished matching up coupons to sales flyers.
* Went to neighbor's to do chores as DD19 gone for day.
* Made snow cone for DD7 with home ice shaver. Best investment ever.
* Picked raspberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini.
* Made two loaves zucchini bread.
* Fixed Wii remotes.
* Got phone call from mother than she's been ill with odd rash.
* Made marinated cucumbers to take along with zucchini bread to 4H goat club work party BBQ tonight.
* DH returned home from his trip.
* Left with DD7 for 4H meeting. Painted signs and helped kids tie dye club tshirts.
* Milked and fed animals rather late.
* DD19 returned home from overnight trip.
* Cleaned up very messy kitchen.
* Caught up on DD19's short trip to church camp where DD12 has been all week.

Almost a full house back again. Almost.


* Same feeding and milking story as day before.
* Ate plum crisp for breakfast. Yum!
* Out of coffee syrups so made latte with Mexican chocolate. Another yum!
* Cooked up eggs for dog's breakfast. Chopped carrots fine and added garlic.
* Checked on trip photos that had been uploaded over night. Slow process.
* Fed dog.
* Hung up new shower curtain.
* Gave DD19 her token gifts for house sitting for us during trip.
* Packed stuff necessary to take DD7 with me to DS15 SAQ camp today.
* Took off across town to take DS15 to SAQ camp.
* Went to Cash and Carry during camp to purchase more coffee syrups.
* Returned home and made grilled cheese sandwiches.
* Turned out horses.
* Unloaded and filled back up dishwasher.
* Vacuumed downstairs.
* Picked more Santa Rosa plums.
* Got down bike for DD7 to ride and watched her.
* Took a rather long nap.
* Made iced coffee to attempt to wake up.
* Went on fly killing spree with electric zapper.
* Cooked corn on the cob.
* Sorted through mail.
* Again brought in and fed all animals.
* Typed up 4H county fair goat stall card info in DD12's absence.
* Made dinner.
* Milked.
* Helped DD7 ride mini horse.
* Picked first of ripe blackberries along rode.
* Made batch of goat yogurt.
* Finished up dishes and ran dishwasher.
* Worked on clearing up emails.
* Helped DD7 take bath.
* Took friend of DS15 home.
* Stopped by McD's with everyone as now hungry all over again.
* Watched TV in bed with DD7 as DH still gone on business trip.


* Woke up with migraine.
* Feed and milked all animals as DD12 off to camp.
* Took long awaited shower.
* Started batch Romano cheese with last of thermophyllic culture.
* Drained chevre from last night.
* Watered garden.
* Sorted through paper accumulation from being gone on trip.
* Checked on last batch of Romano cheese and salted to inhibit mold.
* Cleared out emails.
* Worked on 4H goat club tshirt order.
* Washed eggs.
* Looked for due library books and renewed those I could.
* Ran errands - feed store, return video, library, tshirt printer.
* Made egg biscuit sandwiches for lunch.
* Feed dog homemade food and spray down hot spots.
* Talked with DD19 as to how she plans on wearing her hair for friend's wedding.
* Sent DD7 out with digital camera to capture photos for 4H Adventure exhibits.
* Uploaded all photos from trip on to Shutterfly via Picasa.
* Put together grocery list.
* Went grocery shopping for things we were out of.
* Unloaded groceries and put away.
* Bring in and feed all animals.
* Boiled beets from harvest today. Also picked first of green beans.
* Made Greek salad for dinner.
* Milked all goats.
* Fed dog and treated her spots again.
* Started bonfire for DD7.
* Brought in mini horse that we forgot about.
* Baked plum crisp with Santa Rosa plums from our tree.
* Made late dinner for DS15.
* Toasted HM marshmallows with DD7 over deck firepit.
* Got DD7 into bath.
* Set out lite bright for DD7 to work on while watching DaVinci Code with DD19 and DS15.
* Hit the sack VERY late.


* Took DD12 off to week-long church camp.
* Stopped by mom's to deal with banking paperwork with her.
* Made detour at Target to check on sale items.
* Milked all goats and processed milk.
* Made goat's milk buttermilk waffles for everyone else at home.
* Unloaded dishwasher and ran another load.
* DD19 had me look at her bridesmaid dress to see if it fits well as she has lost weight this summer.
* Spent way too much time reconfiguring wireless router so that all laptops and ipod touch's can access it again.
* Worked out schedule for SAQ training for DD15 this week as 'dead' week for football.
* Ran load of laundry.
* Helped DD7 start a weaving project to make blanket for her stuffed llama purchased during our trip last week.
* Started batch of chevre.
* Made deli sandwiches for lunch.
* Checked on garden beds.
* Ended up getting bit by yellowjackets with nests in metal gate near garden.
* Picked basil, raspberries, bok choic, Marionberries.
* Pulled radishes and bok choi that had gone to seed.
* Make batch of basil pesto.
* Clipped dog to get to hot spots to treat.
* Tried to help DD19 figure out how to access her itunes card that had glitch during computer load.
* Put together batch of HM dog food to help dog get over hot spots which may be attributed to allergic reaction to commercial dog food.
* Made hamburger steaks and gravy, buttermilk biscuits, and chopped vegetable salad with basil pesto dressing for dinner.
* Fed and milked all goats.
* Started batch of homemade marshmallows with DD7. DD15's friends who were over were amazed you could make them at home.
* Mixed up batch of witch hazel/tea tree spray for dog's hot spots.
* DH fixed top rack of dishwasher as it had broken. Ran another load of dishes.
* Set out quart jar of buttermilk to culture.
* Made batch of nachos for DD15 and his friends that were over.
* Stuck to routine and got DD7 bathed and read to before bed. Yeah!

Road trip to southern California and wedding of DH's nephew upon our return pretty much sums up the missing dates here.


Let's just say today was a whirlwind of tying up loose ends so that we can hit the road for awhile and leave everything behind with a competent house sitter. That of course means feed purchased, everything started off with a good watering, massive to-do list put together, and who leaves home without a clean house behind them and a great deal of technology taken with them? Hopefully we'll be posting from the road soon!


* Up and off to airport with DS15 for the start of his 2 tournament varsity basketball trip.
* Turned on sprinkler for garden. Let run a long, long time.
* Made detour to Starbucks and redeemed their free pastry offer.
* Also stopped by ATM and picked up cash for his trip.
* Asked DD12 to milk for me this a.m. as way to hectic.
* Started what I hoped would be the last of the laundry before our trip.
* Sorted bathroom shelves to figure out what everyone might need to purchase before the trip.
* Cleaned and sorted papers on dining room table - again. Made to do list of have-to-do items before trip.
* DD19 made emergency trip to doctor as her elbow had started throbbing last night. Finally off ibuprofen for cramps and now pain is surfacing from Sunday's tubing and fall in boat. Thankfully xrays showed not broken.
* Finished sale of three goat kids - all wethers - to two wonderful women. Mother and daughter.
* Looked at pending magazine subscriptions to decide which ones to actually renew.
* Made lunch of tostados.
* Helped DD7 pack. Put together tops/bottom/underwear and placed in gallon ziplock bag. No fussing later as to what goes with what- I hope.
* Ran out to library to drop of books due and pick up those that were on hold.
* Dropped off mail at post office.
* Finally got out to garden to harvest.
* Milked goats.
* Dinner consisted of greens from garden - pac choi, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, basil - and potstickers.
* Spent enormous amount of time cleaning off desk to make sure not overlooking anything important before trip.
* Coordinated tshirt order for 4H goat club. Order sent off for white tshits to tie dye and email request sent to club members if they wish to order other items to have club logo printed on.
* Found out through belated reading of email that girl from 4H horse club whose horse we had hauled home from horse fair for them as it was colicking eventually had to be put down. Very sad.
* Made sweetened biscuits as shortcake for raspberries and marionberries. No whip cream on hand so ate plain or with ice cream for those who had to have something extra.
* Packed my clothes. Easier to do this time around as I have purged certain colors from wardrobe that just don't look right on me. Made putting together outfits much easier.
* Started movie for DD7 to watch while I clean up emails before bed.

About running out of time to get everything done. Wonder how late I'll end up staying tonight.1


* woke up with splitting migraine headache
* made phone calls to vets regarding euthanasia
* dumped out all raw milk and cheese as to concern over safety
* realized quarantined goat had jumped five foot fence during early morning and had to be crated instead of kept in kennel
* switched out milk stands until first one can be sanitized
* helped DD12 feed and milk
* made long overdue morning latte
* decided to start pasteurizing milk until blood work can be done on all goats
* DD19 came home from friends house with killer cramps - could hardly make it home
* totally forgot to take DS15 to morning football weight lifting due to commotion over goat
* did remembered to get him to basketball practice at noon however
* did several loads of laundry
* while checking on goat, she totally escaped and slimed me with all sorts of unmentionable stuff being stuff inside crate
* made ricotta out of old milk for chickens as will not use it in time before our trip
* did more laundry still
* held many conversations with DD12 a to whether to euthanize at home or by vet
* DD7 quite frustrated all day while DD12 quite angry and sad all day over goat
* took in phone to Verizon and found out could have been corrected over phone if Verizon phone support were smart enough LOL
* trip home took three times as long as normal due to power outage at top of highway
* took DS15 for haircut and to purchase travel supplies for his basketball tournament trip tomorrow
* while out with him, purchased grain and filled up gas in van
* met DD12 and DH at vet with goat to euthanize
* bleached and sanitized everything that could have possibly come in contact with goat
* milked
* DD19 and DD12 trimmed scurs on goat wethers
* neighbor talked to us about putting up board fence between properties - wonder why LOL
* helped pick up DD7 room as cannot seem to go out of town with messy house at home
* did general pick up around rest of house
* went over packing with DS15 as his flight leaves tomorrow
* exhausted


* up early
* fed Beaver Lake horses and did stalls and waters
* loaded up boat and headed to reservoir
* took friends of DS15 and DD19 - BBQ sausages - tubed and wake boarded
* DD19 left early for work in second car we drove up there
* made sudden departure for home right after DD19 left as DD12 came up out of water after flipping off inner tube with gaping gash on her knee
* DH took DD12 to emergency room as cut definitely needed stitches - were there for about three hours
* fed supper at Beaver Lake and switched out water buckets
* helped DD12 do our animal chores after she returned
* ate leftover chocolate zucchini cake for dinner
* friend took DD7 down to creek to inspect crawdad trap while waiting for DH and DD12 to return - nine big ones and many little ones - of course brought back to house to show me
* filled front pasture water trough
* turned on front lawn and shrub sprinklers for first time this year as definitely getting dry and cracked
* watered butterfly bushes as they were looking droopy
* discovered camera not saving pictures on new phone to memory card - phone call to Verizon not helpless - determined need to take into store tomorrow
* had DD7 take crawdads back to creek
* milked
* abscess on DD12's goat broke open - doesn't look good - immediately quarantine her
* made garlic cheese bread for snack
* can't remember too much about rest of evening as everyone concerned over condition of DD12 doe and possible euthanasia


* milk
* talked to neighbor regarding future house sitting
* started batch of Romano cheese
* tended to DD7 swollen toe due to bee sting
* made berry bread pudding
* JV basketball team came over for end of year paintball party down in woods
* weeded part of vegetable garden
* picked raspberries and marionberries - froze on cookie sheets
* took down fence protecting pumpkin patch from chickens as now starting to vine through the fencing
* watered pumpkins and blueberries
* started a butterflied chicken on the Traeger grill
* saved cut-out backbone for DD7 to put in crawdad trap down at creek
* tidied up chicken house and waterers
* gave cheesemaking whey to chickens to see if they will drink - appear to do so
* made garden salad to go with grilled chicken
* started pressing of Romano cheese
* neighbor took DD7 out to dinner with her sister and niece
* took DS15 to mall to meet up with friends
* stopped in Verizon store to purchase new phone - LG enV touch - love it
* hooked up sprinklers for vegetable garden while we will be gone
* picked up miscellaneous toys around defunct sand box
* thinned plums while watching girls after they got back from dinner
* received phone call from past goat customer regarding odd circumstances surround their goat doe
* ate leftover for dinner along with iced coffee started as cold-press earlier in day
* milked again
* DD12 trimmed does hooves - needed blood stop in a couple of places
* unloaded load of dishes washed earlier in day
* made batch of chevre
* baked chocolate zucchini cake for tomorrow's trip out on boat
* finally took shower
* put a box of Clairol in my hair
* played around with new phone a little bit



* slept in finally.
* milked doe.
* started batch of goats milk Romano cheese.
* folded three old loads of laundry.
* started new load of laundry.
* made breakfast for DD7 and DS15 - egg muffin sandwiches.
* took DS15 to basketball practice.
* while out ran some errands: CDT vaccine at farm store, coupon shopping at Walgreens, pickup prescription at BiMart. Stopped by to investigate screen printed tshirt order for 4H goat club but found they were closed for extended weekend.
* washed ironing board cover.
* ate lunch of sorts.
* DD7 walked through clover without shoes and...of course got stung. Used lavendar oil which worked pretty well on sting.
* sorted through paper accumulation on dining room table.
* picked up DS15 from practice.
* left burner on Romano cheese and curds got heated to 140 degrees. Should have killed the culture for sure.
* Looked through AAA travel guide for upcoming trip while DD7 swam in pool. Water was up to 86 degrees.
* Took DS15 to his basketball game.
* While out went into town to have paintball air tanks filled and to pick up additional paint for tomorrow's JV basketball paintball party at our house.
* Took long way home as freeway backed way up.
* Watered potted front and back deck plants.
* DS15 feeling quite nauseated so made him a pint of peppermint tea.
* Watered garden.
* Looked at botched Romano cheese curds and decided to see if they might be acidic enough for mozzarella. They were! First successful goat cheese mozzarella made from botched Romano. Who would have thought!
* Took DD7 and DD12 to Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Got by with only buying kids meals and not spending a fortune on popcorn.
* Picked up store milk on way home for picky milk drinkers.
* Spent rest of night cleaning kitchen and scrubbing cooktop that looked like it had been neglected for about three weeks.
* Folded latch batch of laundry and matched orphan socks.
* Decided to finally eat dinner: Bibb lettuce salad with goats milk mozzarella and fresh basil from back deck topped off with leftover tomatoes from take-out pizza DS15 had ordered while we were gone.
* Downstairs looks pretty clean and ready for anyone who comes through the house tomorrow during paint ball party.
* Time to go now as DD7 is suddenly complaining of stomach ache!


Not sure if I want to remember today or not...

* woke up extra, extra early for me.
* watered potted plants, garden, and some flower beds.
* milked 4 does as DD12 gone.
* processed milk.
* loaded up gear for day at 4H horse fair.
* dropped DS15 off at weightlifting and took DD7 with me to horse fair.
* watched classes, drank water, sat, waited, sweated, kept DD7 entertained.
* member's horse ended up colicking and vet called. Knew vet and vet tech and able to tell them DD19 whom they know was accepted into local vet tech program.
* took down fair decorations.
* somehow made it home even though head achy and nauseated. Do not think I drank near enough water for being outside and working in 95 degree weather.
* unloaded van with all stuff that had gone down to fair during week.
* asked DH to take horse trailer back down to fairgrounds to pick up member whose horse colic-ed and needed taken back home this evening.
* attempted to take fitful nap while he was gone. Every fly trapped in house could obviously detect me as had sweated so much during the day and continually buzzed me.
* fixed quick dinner of garden cabbage coleslaw and grilled sausages.
* milked my doe.
* used her milk and other does milk to make squeaky cheese curds as new cheese making supplies had arrived in mail during day.
* took long awaited shower.
* looked over maps with DH as to upcoming trip.
* cleaned out all three email in boxes.
* made sure kitchen looks somewhat clean.
* made commitment to tackle dining room table paperwork asap tomorrow morning.
* started folding three loads of laundry that have sat on couch all week as we were mainly gone.
* drank extra water before bed to attempt to rehydrate.
* lovely evening outside as cooled down to 66 degrees by 11 p.m. Will make for nice sleeping with cool air coming in.
* Good night all!


* woke up DD12 to get started on early on chores in order to head to horse fair.
* milked and processed milk.
* loaded up and headed down the road .
* left DD19 in charge of DD7 and getting DS12 to friends house by noon.
* today's horse fair events included showmanship and helping club members get ready.
* helped out lesson student at barn next door who was showing as well and pretty much on her own as trainer and 4H leader unable to make it to show.
* met and talked to more old friends.
* brought DD12 home in time to pick up DS15 and get him to basketball game.
* turned around a brought DS15 a dry pair of boxers for game as he had been swimming all day in his LOL.
* continued on to grocery store to pickup dogs to grill for tonight's 4H potluck along with chips and guacamole.
* came home and baked batch of chocolate chip cookies for tonight's dessert. Made DD7's day by leaving two whole cookies unbaked just for her.
* milked doe while waiting for DH to return home with DS15 after game.
* headed out to horse fair for potluck BBQ with DH, DD7, and DD12.
* DD12 to spend night at home of 4Her she met through horse judging and horse bowl who lives near fairground. Will make for less of an early morning with DD7 tomorrow.
* back home with detour to store to purchase DH watch as his broken and can't live without one.
* brought in horses.
* had to bring in mini from woods as escaped through hot fence which apparently has dead battery.
* drained chevre and layered one with smoky peppers and the other with italian seasoning.
* massaged DS15 aching calf muscles while reading Fast Food Nation aloud.
* fell asleep on couch unintentionally until DH woke me up.
* got DD7 in bed.
* sent DD19 text message to see when to expect her home from work.
* literally crawled into bed myself.


* woke up very slow this morning with a headache.
* took DS15 to weightlifting.
* took Advil and waited for headache to lift.
* put in load of laundry.
* milked.
* worked very hard to get DD12 up to milk and feed.
* made ricotta for chickens from too-old goats milk.
* didn't need to pick up DS15 as he got a ride to football passing practice.
* posted an explanatory post on hobby farm site as to why I haven't been posting much.
* tried to resist most of day from sampling cajeta made last night.
* seriously considered going on detox diet from crazy food intake lately.
* doctor's office called with a-ok results from DH's recent blood work.
* made loaf of one hour bread for DS15.
* used crock pot to cook up three packages of elk steak for shredded "beef".
* divided up money between DD7 and DD12 for recent dog sitting job.
* picked up DS15 from passing practice but had to wait an extra 45 minutes until they were done.
* DS15 terribly sore so instructed him to take epsom salt bath .
* headed off the DD7 and DD12 to mall to let them spend some of their money.
* JC Penneys for clothes for DD12.
* Build a Bear for DD7.
* Target for me for school supplies.
* Payless Shoes for myself and DD12.
* back home and turned around again to take basketball shorts up to DS15 at high school to trade for smaller size after his basketball game.
* made tacos out of shredded elk meat. added chipotle seasoning. excellent.
* made cherry preserve oat bars for tomorrow's potluck at 4H horse fair.
* received phone call from trainer next door who needs my help at 4H horse fair for one of her clients whose mother is sick and whose leader can't be there.
* unloaded digital photos to get ready for more to be taken tomorrow.
* put in another load of laundry. that will make three loads that still need folded.
* ironed out SAQ camp details with DS15.
* orchestrated tomorrow's schedule with DS15 and DD19 as I will be gone with DD12. Forgot to decide what to do with DD7 though.
* cleaned out two garden beds and pitched about 20 slugs far, far away.
* vacuumed downstairs.
* milked.
* finally ate dinner.
* made batch of fromagina with night's milking.
* goat doe with scours seems to be doing better.
* looked over fair schedule to see when classes start tomorrow.
* plowed my way through email account number one to get down to "essential" ones to tackle later.


* DH took DD12 extra early to 4H horse fair on his way to work, so I...
* woke up DS15 to take to weightlifting
* milked does
* received text from DD12 that she forgot her $ for breakfast. felt bad for her.
* put in the usual morning load of laundry
* called in prescription refill for DS15 acne wipes
* made brocolli-grape-bacon salad for tonight's horse fair potluck
* packed all sorts of stuff to take with us for day at horse fair
* talked to neighbor who we were animal sitting for who returned home early
* left for horse fair with DD7
* more sitting, watching, waiting
* DD12's club used circus theme for costume contest - she was tightrope walker. they received third place out of 28 teams. pretty good.
* drove home
* unloaded and put stuff away
* ate whatever we could find in fridge and freezer
* picked produce from garden
* milked
* same doe a little off yesterday seems to have diarrhea tonight
* treated doe with pro bios, wormed, gave nutri drench
* let DD7 friend from barn next door pick cucumber for snack for her and DD7. she was thrilled. she loved learning names of all sorts of things growing in garden.
* brought in horses as DD12 about ready to drop
* horse with stone bruise does not appear to be abcessing. thankfully.
* ordered cheese cultures. about time.
* made batch of cajeta with evenings goat milk. same as dulce de leche but with goats milk. to die for.


* milked very early
* left for 4H horse fair with DD12 without her horse due to his stone bruise
* watched classes, hung out with club, met old friends, had potluck, and lots of standing
* picked up grain for week and milk filters at local feed store while at fair
* returned home and milked
* appears we might have milking doe just not feeling right
* cleaned up just in time to catch last church service of two week church camp of which we missed all last week due to company and basketball tournaments
* slept the entire 30 minute drive to church. didn't even touch latte DH made for me.
* started late load of laundry for DD12 for tomorrow's day at horse fair
* made chocolate ricotta icebox cake. anxious to try
* whipped up snacks for now hungry family
* helped DS15 with his summer reading assignment
* read to DD7 before bed for the first time in a WAY TOO LONG
* stayed up until laundry load ready for dryer
* literally fell into bed


* fed horses in boarding stables next door
* cleaned out email inbox, of sorts
* found dog from neighbors that we are housesitting on our front porch
* had DD12 bring up her horse to see if still lame and yes/no able to go to horse fair tomorrow. made hard decision that he is too lame to take to fair. bad deal.
* made myself a long overdue latte
* took collar for invisible fence back to neighbors to determine why not keeping dog in. found unit unplugged from wall.
* unloaded dishwasher
* milked doe and processed milk for all four milking does
* made quart of goat's milk yogurt
* made waffles for breakfast with yogurt instead of buttermilk. pretty much the same.
* baked a batch of zuchinni bread. flavored with cinnamon and cardamon. yum.
* cleaned the nine stalls at boarding stable next door
* worked with mozzarella cheese started yesterday to see if would work. not very pretty.
* neighbor's dog showed back up on our porch. went back to neighbor's house. called her and located new battery for collar. seemed to work.
* folded laundry
* started another load of laundry
* put washed and cleaned horse blankets into pillowcases for dust free storage in barn
* DD7 cut toe on steel steer comb. dealt with blood, bandaids and 1st aid cream.
* checked on football camp for DS15 that coach recommended
* made loose grocery meal plan for next week and then a grocery list
* went grocery shopping
* talked to basketball coach that was also shopping there and confirmed that we will be hosting a paintball party at our house for the JV basketball team next Saturday
* went to neighbors with DD7 to feed animals, pick blueberries, and water
* made blueberry-marionberry crisp
* helped DD19 register and set up account for community college she's attending in fall
* fed all horses and goats as DD19 and DD12 gone to church sing-along
* fed boarding stables horses
* milked all four goats and processed milk
* made wilted spinach salad with bacon and warm dressing for dinner
* loaded up dishwasher and ran the load, as usual
* pitted and froze cherries
* gave opinion as requested for DD19 trying on various outfits trying to decide what to wear to church tomorrow
* prepped cucumbers and dressing for marinated cucumber salad which is being brought to 4H horse fair for evening potluck tomorrow

after week like we've had, i'm sure i've forgotten something. but there appears to be enough here to have kept me busy all day.


* still extremely tired but got up early again and did milking
* woke up DD12 to get her milking done and headed to fairgrounds for 4H Horse club work party
* distributed tshirt and sweatshirt order to members and parents
* returned home and checked email for anything urgent
* printed out 4H Horse fair schedule
* ran morning load of dishes as not enough room last night for everything
* farrier came to drop of house sitting money for DD19
* asked farrier about horse that came up lame after yesterday's hoof trimming
* farrier pared away frog to find bruise and possible abscess. bummer with horse fair only a couple days away
* made homemade masa tortillas with cheddar and goat cheese filling for lunch
* made 2nd latte for the day right after lunch. needed more caffeine
* spend too much time trying to get family to decide where to have in-laws take us for dinner tonight. googled restaurants for our town and selected the first pick - a wood fired pizza place
* folded laundry that didn't get done yesterday
* started another load of laundry now that yesterday's wrapped up
* used $10 from to purchase Twilight music score
* took DD7 and DD12 to neighbors we are house sitting for. found that her sister was already there watering and feeding animals.
* worked out changes in work schedule at barn next door due to our pending vacation
* helped DD7 clean her Guinea pig cage and build new wooden building for it
* neighbor's sister who was caring for animals came over with her daughter and friend and her daughter to see our animals - mainly the goats
* barked orders for everyone to hurry and shower and get dressed so that we could meet everyone at restaurant by 5 pm
* quickly picked raspberries while they were getting ready
* put in several loads of horse blankets and pads over course of day in prep for 4H Horse fair. hung on fence to dry.
* ate really good spinach salad at restaurant and sampled tiramisu, walnut pie, and cannolis (sp?) that others ordered for dessert
* left restaurant and headed straight for 4H Goat club meeting with DD12
* worked on tshirt orders there for this club as well
* got home just before dark and milked doe
* used fresh milk to make new jar of buttermilk
* used remaining milk to try yet another recipe for goats milk mozzarella
* worked with DS15 on helping him understand summer reading assignment for honors English


* woke up and tried to clear fog from brain...way tired
* made latte and ate leftover raspberries and Dutch baby pancake for breakfast
* woke kids up early to make it to morning appointments
* farrier arrived and worked on trimming our four horses
* realized farrier truck and trailer blocking me in. moved Suburban with boat attached. had DS15 move utility trailer in order to sneak out back way through neighbor's gate
* took DS15 to football weightlifting at high school
* made mental note to take shower as soon as possible
* milked doe a little later than should have
* started load of laundry
* got DD12 to decide which jeans she wanted to wear for 4H horse fair showmanship class
* ran out again to pick up DS12
* DS12 hurting all over from lifting and squats so made him grilled cheese while he jumped in for quick hot tub soak
* quick change by DS12 and off to stadium for 7 on 7 football practice
* stopped by fruit store for apples and bananas - really wishing had a shower by now
* took shower the minute I arrived home
* took last Advil in the house to try and combat sore shoulder from cleaning barn stalls last weekend
* unloaded dishwasher and reloaded with accumulated dishes
* made more chalk paint and painted outside with DD7
* put in loaf of one-hour bread machine bread for DS12 when he returned
* left again to pick up DS12
* returned home only to find out that 4H horse club tshirts ready to be picked up
* took 30 minute power nap as SOOOO tired
* left again to pick up tshirts
* while out dropped of 4H county fair paperwork that was due today
* used Traeger grill to cook the two trout DH and DD7 caught this week. served with abundance of leftovers
* DS12 announced friend coming over and asked for batch of hummus which of course I made for him
* attempted to clean up kitchen again before in-laws arrived for evening
* bagged idea for DD12 to attend 4H ride as her horse just had feet trimmed. told her to ride next door in arena after everyone gone.
* picked cherries and pitted them to get ready for freezer
* milked doe
* turned evenings milk into ricotta and then to ricotta salata
* watered garden
* tied up cucumber vines
* pounded stakes and strings for string beans
* sorted though days worth of newspapers and mail that had accumulated on kitchen table
* checked on DD12 and her horse only to find out that he is too tender footed to be ridden after his trim this a.m. Horse fair is in three days however
* made quick snack of fresh picked marrion berries and leftover ricotta pancakes
* need to check on DD7 who appears to have fallen asleep in our bed which always causes her a panic attack if she wakes up because she wants to be in hers
* need to remember to put DD12's load of laundry in dryer after coming downstairs
* now 12:17 a.m. and time for bed


* milked doe and processed milk
* attempted to wake DD12 up early to get her milking done
* watered garden thoroughly
* more harvesting from garden
* put gallon of goat's milk on to heat for ricotta and got involved in something else. entire batch ruined. fed to chickens.
* left with family to meet up with visiting relatives for breakfast
* sent DD12 off with DD19 to church activity for day
* stopped by store on way to look for black show jeans for DD12's 4H horse fair this weekend
* cleaned stalls and barns for DD12 and DD19 as they were gone
* turned out horses for same as they were gone
* tacked up mini for DD7 to ride who in turn got foot stepped on and then didn't want to ride
* went to neighbor's whom we are house sitting for and fed cats, dog and watered
* made hummus to go with veggies picked today
* made goat milk ricotta pancakes to go with berries picked today
* skimmed pool while DD7 swam while waiting for relatives to come for quick dinner
* served aforesaid foods while milking all four does
* grabbed armful of items DD19 needed while spending night at church activity
* picked up DD12 at same time
* headed for niece's basketball game
* watched game and listened to DD7 whine about being at game
* stopped by McDonald's on way home as kids all hungry by now
* brought in horses for evening as not done before we left
* cleaned up kitchen and dishes left lying all over after quick dinner
* worked on 4H county fair paperwork as due date tomorrow
* helped DD7 through meltdown as now thoroughly tired and couldn't find any pj's comfy enough
* plenty ready for bed tonight now that it's 12:30 a.m.


* woke up with killer migraine and treated with Excederin
* milked doe and processed milk
* gathered together snacks and supplies to take to 4H horse club work party
* gave instructions to DD12 on how to go about separating kids from the 3 does to start weaning process
* no time for breakfast - grabbed piece of leftover coconut cake only to find it moldy - grabbed leftover naan bread instead
* made cold pressed coffee as run out of espresso - so sad - and no time to get to store
* loaded up van with supplies and kids and left for 4H horse work party
* ironed, and ironed, and ironed curtains for horse fair as well as tie dyed tshirts
* worried about not getting 4H county fair entries in in time as due in a few days
* checked online to determine which library books were due today
* headed off to DS15's basketball tournament game 45 minutes away
* returned $1 RedBox video rental while out
* returned library books while out
* once home from game took panic approach at picking up house before relatives arrived for dinner
* put together casserole out of leftovers and plenty of goat's milk ricotta cheese
* listened to goat kids cry non-stop for their mothers - can get on your nerves
* mixed up batch of chalk paint for DD7 to entertain her while finishing dinner
* prepped salad to go with dinner
* smiled and looked calm when company arrived
* headed off to yet another basketball game, this time for niece
* squeezed in a bath for DD7
* hit the bed with a thud and fell into sleep immediately


* morning milking and processing of goat's milk as usual
* fed goats myself early this a.m. in anticipation of sale later on in morning
* spent most of morning communicating with purchaser for three of our Boer does
* eventually made connection and sold does
* made Dutch baby pancake for DD19 and her friend visiting from St. Louis
* used leftover BBQ ribs from 4th of July plus excess goat's milk ricotta to put together Mexican lasagna for this week
* folded laundry from earlier loads that weren't completed
* continue to spend a few minutes at a time fine-tuning laptop after reformatting
* answered the phone a jillion times
* trying out cold-pressed coffee for iced coffee tomorrow as out of espresso beans - need my latte's!
* left for son's basketball tournament 45 minutes away and watched game
* long drive home from tournament and came close to falling asleep several times
* attempted to drain goat's milk chevre only to find out the curd not strong enough. Wondering if rennet is bad rather than culture. Using cheesecloth to drain to try to salvage.
* spent time as webmaster of OC Gridirion Club trying to answer schedule question from freshman parent
* squeezed in evening milking
* went out to dinner with visiting in-laws from California and DH's sister, her DH, and daughter to Chevy's. Of course ate too much.
* baked brownies for tomorrow's 4H horse club painting party.

Nothing on my to-do list accomplished but DD19 did sell three goats so that's a plus!


* Since today is Sunday, I'd really like to pretend the day is being observed as a day rest. Therefore, nothing posted :-) other than Sunday School and morning worship service.


* started attack on laundry
* made extra large Chinese cabbage salad for company
* turned this morning's goat milk into ricotta
* baked pan of oatmeal bar cookies - had to use choc bars as found out didn't have choc chips
* remembered to water front porch annuals as well as those on back deck
* fertilized hanging baskets
* tried recipe from newspaper food section for naan bread to be cooked on grill - yes with company coming
* company with extra children in tow arrived for BBQ
* finished off ribs on grill in blazing heat on blazing hot deck
* made 3 batches of iced coffee to quench company's thirst
* watered garden again - definitely need to set up sprinkler
* watched company play paintball bundled up in many layers of clothes in the woods wondering if they were going to have heat exhaustion
* answered innumerable questions about garden and animals to company
* started another batch of laundry
* snacked all day on leftover BBQ food
* more harvesting from garden
* checked and balanced pool chemicals
* set off fireworks and watched local residents and their illegal contraband
* pitted and froze 2 quarts pie cherries
* processed 2 quarts sweet cherries

Happy Independance Day!


6:30 am
* milked and processed goat milk
* hand watered garden
* took dd7 and dd12 to rehearsal prior to church's 25th anniversary program which we attended
12 p.m.
* took ds15 shopping for dressy shirts
* worked with ds15 to attempt to synch his cell phone music with computer - failed
* purchased ribs for BBQ with friends scheduled for tomorrow
* purchased white tank top for 4H tie dye party next week
* made grilled sandwiches for lunch for family
* met with potential purchasers of some of our miniature goats and visited at length
* hand watered berry bed
* watered pumpkins with sprinkler
* prepared ribs and started long process of pre-smoking before finishing off tomorrow
* weeded around sunflowers and berry beds
* harvested from garden
* lamented over fact that it was too hot to clean house before tomorrow's company
* cooked dinner - chicken nuggets of all things, garden beets, brown rice
* fed and grained goats as dd12 not home
* attended evening church activity
* picked up and cleaned kitchen
* planned menu for following week


milked and processed goat milk
checked email looking for anyone interested in buying goats for sale
worked on 4H Horse Fair schedule and commitments
put together 4H horse club tshirt order
cultured quart of raw goat milk buttermilk
batch 1 gallon batch cheese curds
tried to sort of credit card fiasco for mother over telephone
took DS15 to physical therapy appointment for knee tendonitis
figured out and charged portable DVD player for upcoming road trip
made Boboli pizza for family lunch
looked all over house for missing 'M' key for laptop
long conversation with DD19 over disappointing ending to long term friendship she had
longer conversation with mother regarding her credit card billing issue
took laptop in for replacement cord
took DD7 and DD12 to final music rehearsal for performance tomorrow
bought -GASP- Taco Bell for DD7 and DD12 on way home in order to feed them something in a hurry
emergency trip over to neighbor who sliced open toe and felt she needed transportation to emergency room
hauled DD12 and her horse to 4H Horse ride meeting and spent evening planning horse fair potluck dinners
helped with our evening animal chores as DD19 gone for evening
milked and processed goat milk
finalized 4H horse club tshirt order
attempted to wipe laptop clean and reinstall factory settings



watered garden and butterfly bushes
watered pumpkins with sprinkler
gathered eggs
milked Vega morning and night - strained and cooled milk
uploaded photos from DH work trip to Shutterfly for him
made batch of cheese curd - flavored some chipotle, some italian, some smoked paprika
made fajitas for dd19 and her two friends for early dinner
made tacos w/ cantaloupe for family's dinner
picked 3 lbs cherries - made marischino cherries from 1 quart
picked 9 lbs sour cherries - pitted and froze 3 quart bags
took dd12 to movie with girlfriend
picked up grain and fly spray at feed store along with annuals
potted up annuals for front porch
did thorough bedroom cleaning with dd7
wrote blog post for this blog
folded load of laundry from yesterday
brought in horses for dd19 who was not home this evening

plus the have-to-do's. perhaps that would make a good list to post as well.

Looks like alot but didn't feel like a lot. Hmmmm.....

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